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Lines of Connection with Brian Hogencamp

A beautiful aspect of an asana is in its relationship to other asana. That beauty flourishes as our relationship with each asana deepens and expands. In this workshop students will learn to examine the external and internal geometry of asana, and how the asana relate to one another through a range of categories - standings, twists, inversions, balances. This workshop will inspire your personal practice and deepen your understanding of yoga.

“In Asana… the pose first brings inner balance and harmony, but in the end it is merely the outer expression of the inner harmony.” - B.K.S. Iyengar

About Brian

Brian Hogencamp is a dedicated yoga practitioner and Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher (Intermediate Senior I). He has devoted his life to sharing the art, science and philosophy of yoga according to the teachings of B.K.S. Iyengar. He’s been teaching full-time since 2004 and travels annually to India for study with the Iyengar family. 

Cost $50